Wednesday, November 29, 2017

When to take Android Oreo from HMD?

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 with No comments
HMD Global made a great commitment when it launched Nokia-branded smartphones earlier
this year, saying it would update the phones regularly.

“We’ll be sending a press release during this week, keep an eye out,” an HMD Global representative told Gearburn when they  asked regarding the availability of Oreo.

It’s worth noting that the update is currently being pushed to the Nokia 8, HMD confirmed on Twitter. But what about the Nokia 2? Will it receive Oreo?
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HMD’s latest smartphone incorporate a low-end Snapdragon 212 chip with a huge 4100mAh battery, offering two-day endurance on paper.

“The Nokia 2 is running Android Nougat and will upgrade to Oreo,” HMD’s representative told us, without specifying a launch date.

The cheap smartphone is currently available for R1699.


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